Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Officially Employed

Yes yes, that would be me.  Among the officially employed.

You are now speaking to the new store manager of the "Sh@&&#%$" (Ranch Supply Store) for my area.

Well, no there isn't actually a location of that particular chain in my area yet.

So I am temporarily filling in as a part time cashier.....at a different location a bit further away.

But hey, it is just a matter of time before they realize how awesome I am, and open a location close to home just for me to manage.

I start my training today.

I can only assume that this is the place where God wants me, because not one single other company that I applied at has called, emailed, or sent up smoke signals.

Can you say "Employee discounts"?????

(AKA: paychecks spent before I ever get them)

Now it is time to go clean pony pens, and dog poo, and vacuum up the dog hair that seems to multiply worse than rabbits.

Take care everyone.


  1. Congrats! Sounds like it'll be interesting - and like you said a great place to spend your paycheck.

    1. Thanks, it seems like it is going to be a great place to work

  2. uhmmm HALLLO? Can you say "writer goes incognito as ranching store sales clerk to find out what/who/where really drives the horse tack/horse supplement/horse lifestyle market in the US?"

    sitting on a goldmine I tell ya!

  3. Whoohoo! Good for you. I was just thinking how absolutely wonderful that must have been to be unemployed for a while...I can totally see that as a dangerous place to work. :)

    1. Actually I am really wishing I hadn't said I could start when I did. TC chose to leave town that very day and so now I am trying to start a new job, keep up with the animals, keep up with Simons's football, keep up with the house and property, and figure out how I am going to run the irrigation this weekend while working!

      It was nice to have my days to myself...well sort of. But the dwindling bank account had me sort of freaked out! lol

  4. BTW...I absolutely LOVE your new header! Fantastic quote!

  5. Excellent! If it's the ranch supply store I'm thinking of, Sh@&&#%$ is awesome. I practically live there. The employees at my branch are really helpful and nice too.

    1. It is the very store of which you speak, but a newer location which has not even had it's grand opening yet. I really wanted to work at the store in your area, simply because it is a little closer and to get there doesn't have me driving into the heart of the city. But we take what we can get I guess.

  6. Congratulations! Sounds like a fun job. I know you must be relieved at having the job search over. It's no fun.

    1. Yes and no. In some ways, I'm a little depressed because I put in a lot of applications and no one was interested in me at all except this store. On the other hand I am so happy to at least have SOME money coming in....

  7. Congratulations! You have a super attitude....I'd be willing to bet that you WILL be manager someday!

    1. lets hope so, because at what I'm making now, my horses will starve! LOL
