Sunday, February 17, 2013

What Not to Wear

Big K was nice enough to model the new saddle today.  He wasn't too thrilled about the mud removal and all the brushing and detangling of his mane and tail, but he looked pretty nice when it was all done.  I cleaned out the tack area of my trailer, and put all the left over crap that I never use in a tote and put it away.  then I bought the cute little red caddy to put all of my grooming stuff in.  I should have done that years ago, but it really just became apparent to me Friday night when I had to make multiple trips to the trailer just to clean Trax up. 

Afterwards we went for a very short ride to try the saddle out. I love everything about it except those stirrups. The have got to go!  We went up the road just a bit, but I was having a lack of planning wardrobe disaster and had to cut things short. With out going into too much detail, I'll just say that sensible underwear are a must!   Because of that we only went up the road about half way and back.  I did ride long enough to determine that it is much easier to manage his gait in a saddle that I fit in. Which was the main reason for doing the deal in the first place.

I also worked with Sassy today, she is loading and unloading like a champ, and then I took her to the round pen and reminded her that I am the one who makes the rules in this herd.  By time we were done, I could catch and release, catch and release and she was following me around even when I wasn't trying to catch her.  I also took a little time to groom her up some. She is starting to shed, as is Trax, Danny and Killian are not yet.

I put the dividers back in the trailer so that she will have support for the long ride, and my neighbor brought me a hay bag full of hay. So we are pretty much all set for Friday.

So now it is my Sunday night, time to go chillax in front of the TV and get ready for Monday. Hope everyone had a great weekend!