Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Grandmother Lied to Me

She told me that Menopause was wonderful and not having periods was the best thing in the world.

With the way I feel lately as I go through this change....I'm thinking that she lied to me. 


  1. Hang in there. The road does smooth out in a while.

  2. My human breezed through it no symptoms whatsoever so maybe Grandmother did too. xx

  3. :) Well...I'd have to agree with grandma that the part about not having periods is pretty cool. But, chin hairs suck!! What is up with that!?

    1. Well yes, I did enjoy not having my period last month (for the first time) but the side effects I am having are almost worse. I went from a 31" waist to a 34" in 2 months (I did quit my reeses diet over a month ago) I have daily flu like symptoms which hit me every after noon and make it hard to want to do anything after work. My feet have started swelling like crazy, and my hands also but not quite as bad. Oh and bladder control is becoming an issue. (as in- be careful when you sneeze!) The chin hairs seem to be the least of my concerns right now! LOL

  4. Oh my gosh...I feel your pain! Especially the sneezing part! My 'normal' periods (normal for a menopausal crazy lady) are 21 - 28 days apart...but every once in a while it goes longer. My record is 72 days. Yep, I counted. So how many years does it take for it to smooth out?????? Now seems like a good time to me. :-) P.S. I am so used to plucking chin hairs that I don't notice when I do just happens.

    1. Oh, and the Acne!!! I didn't have acne like this when I went through puberty!! So WHY now!!!!????!!!!
