Monday, May 20, 2013

The Word of the Day is ...UGH!

UGH...describes the weather.  Still raining.  (TC says it is going to rain all week!)

UGH...describes how I feel, for the second day. 

Ugh describes the amount of house work that needs to be done, especially since I did nothing all day yesterday but sleep and was over run by three very wet dogs in the midst of their summer shedding. 

Ugh also quite accurately describes the state of my horse runs this morning which required hand cleaning, rather than being able to use the little tractor. 

Generally hand cleaning is not that hard, but when I feel like crud and keep slipping in the mud, then the word is UGH!

UGH also describes how I feel when I look in the mirror.  I'm trying to grow out my incredibly short hair to a length capable of being pulled back in a pony tail, or styled it I wanted.  But you know that in between place where you can't do a thing with it....yup UGH!

So I need to find some good in the day.  

Well lets see, 4 ponies are healthy and happy. In fact Danny and Trax were on the wild and crazy side and watching their chicanery around the pasture this morning was pure joy.  

Oh I forgot to mention that I was able to get Trax to stand still for a little bit of clipping with clippers on Saturday. Not near his head of course, where he needs it the most. But I was able to trim off some of those areas on his side and back legs that aren't ready to shed yet.  So that was a good thing. 

I still have a job and earn a paycheck....that is a good thing. 

Rain, means grass, which means less hay, always a good thing. 

I'm still upright, and although sick, it is just a flu or a cold, so that is better than some other options. 

It could be snowing instead of just the fact that it is just rain, always a bonus. 

So yeah, I guess that even though the word of the day is could be so much worse. 

Happy Monday everyone. 

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