Monday, May 20, 2013

Will Some One Please Shut Off My Brain!

Five days till our first show.  I am so nervous, and terrified, and excited.

I play different scenarios over in my head...

1. He wins a halter class even though he won't stand still, because he is just too gorgeous to pass up! (Ha!)

2. He wins a halter class because he is the only one in it.

3. We are asked not so politely to leave the halter ring because he won't stand still and keeps farting at the Judge. People laugh and point fingers as we shamefully walk back to our stall.

4. We never even enter the halter class because the night before he rips off his dress and wraps and chooses to roll in poop and it takes me all morning to get him clean again.

We move on to the Ranch Pleasure class...

1. After a great warm up we go into the class and he does perfect transitions and decent lead changes.  His spins are slow but accurate, and his stop, although not pretty is still a stop and doesn't cost us many points. The crowd goes wild, people hoot and holler for us, and tears are running down my face because I am so proud!  I jump off and hug my horse, and although we do not win because there are horses better than us, everyone is so impressed by how far he has come, and can't wait to tell me so.   (Its a scenario right out of a PBS afternoon special)

2. After a less than stellar warm up, we go into the class and are all over the place. He turns into a run away freight train.  I end up having to use both hands to get him back on track, and we are DQ'd.

3. After a decent warm up we go into the class and I forget the pattern and we are DQ'd.

4. After a decent warm up, he goes in and completes the pattern on his own... right after he face plants me for giving him a bath two days in a a row. (see option 4 of halter class)

5. After what seems like a decent warm up, we go into the class we do our very best but I'm nervous and forget everything that Mark taught me. We complete the course but just barely and  I can hear everyone saying "I can't believe she even entered."  and  "OMG, she thinks she can ride?" as I ride away.  We go to our stall in shame.

6. We never even make it to the class because I am still at the stall puking my guts out because I am so nervous.

Next is the trail class...

1. We did great in the Ranch Pleasure class, our confidence level is high, and we are calm and ready for this class.  Luckily the course calls for the rope gate from the left and we ace it.  He tackles each task with precision and perfection and once again the crowd goes wild. Many of them remember the clinic where he wouldn't even go near a rope, and everyone is amazed. Again I cry the tears of joy.   We place but we do not win, but couldn't be happier. (I obviously watched way too many of those after school specials)

2. We have DQ'd once already and my confidence is shaken. The course calls for the rope gate from the right and although we have been working steadily on it, he executes it, but not without some coaxing and we fail that task. We fight on the right lead right lead, and balks at the bridge, because it isn't his bridge. We are not DQ'd but we end with the lowest score. Once again I can hear people laughing at me behind my back.

3. I have picked myself up out of the dirt and grudgingly got back on my horse. The course calls for the gate to the right. Even though we have practiced diligently, he chooses this moment to loose his mind, he takes off running dragging half of the rope gate behind him because it is stuck on my boot.  It swings wide behind us catching the judges table and table cloth, which he decides is a monster.  He takes off at mach nine, I have no control and he wipes out the entire course.  When I finally get him stopped we are banned from any CWPHC show ever again.  I slink to the trailer in shame, he on the other hand is quite proud of himself and carries his head high.  We get to the trailer and he says to me....


4. Still puking, pack up and go home vowing to never show my face at a horse show again.

In reality, my goal is to go in and not be DQ'd.  We might achieve that goal, we might not.  If we complete the courses at all, it will be amazing.  Seriously I am nervous, and I will be until the day of the show.  It isn't even about winning or losing for me, I'm just afraid I'm going to do something really stupid.
But then I think, who cares if I do?  I mean we all have to start somewhere right?  One thing I know is that although some of the horsey folks in this town are pretty clicky, there are a bunch who aren't, and the folks putting on this show are trying to get rid of that clickiness so that everyone can just have fun.  That is my goal right?  I just want to go have some fun.   In the mean time if I can just get my brain to shut off for a while.....


  1. OMG I am such a dork! I mean seriously..."The crowd goes wild?" What am I, twelve????

  2. Good luck! Remember that no matter how badly it goes, you'll have gotten the first one OVER WITH and the next show will go even better!

  3. You're cracking me up!! Try not to stress too much about it... no doubt you'll be nervous, but also try to remember to have fun. And if you mess up, you mess up. No biggie. That just means you're normal and you'll just be even more prepared for next time!

    You can do it!! :)

    1. I have to admit when I read back over my own thoughts on "paper" I know it won't be that bad. Boy howdy my mind can dwell though.

  4. The best advice I had (and believe me, I was a nervous wreck last weekend showing Shy for the first time in cart class). . .breath!
    And remember to have fun!

    1. Oh yeah, breathing...oxygen to the brain. That is pretty important. I will write that on my hand so I maybe I won't forget! LOL

  5. I'd suggest you find yourself a good, engrossing audiobook. Plug it into whatever version of an iPod you have or can get and take your dogs for a long walk. It is a fantastic off switch for over active brains. Breath, have fun and remember, it's just a horse show and hey, you're moving to AZ in a couple of months. Seriously, I think you are going to do great no matter how many ribbons you come home with. You are doing great with Trax and it shows. It will show at the show too:)

    1. That is actually a brilliant idea. I will do that Friday night. Thank you.

  6. Just remember your goals for your horse, regardless of what other people think about you. It's just you and your horse, and you're showing to the judge, not the other riders. Everybody starts somewhere, and if the other folks don't remember what that was like, then they're ass hats and you REALLY don't care what they think. Somebody will be better than you. Somebody will be worse than you. Now go buy some Cowboy Magic Green Spot remover! Oh, and remember to breathe!

    1. Really? Worse than me...Gosh one can only hope right? LOL

  7. Seriously!! Stress less!!

    Oh my gosh, seriously though, if any of the 'worst case' ones happen, I bet it will almost make you laugh after thinking about how far out your worst cases were!!

    But I bet more than anything that people will be nice and respectful more than anything! I mean, EVERYONE has to start somewhere, right?! Everyone has a first show, and gets nervous, and it's so much tougher as an older adult than it is as a kid, and I bet a lot of the people there will recognize that!!!! I bet it will go great! And honestly, I bet trax will love to show! Remember, no matter what, it's about giving your horse a good experience, and nothing beats that happy look of a horse that thinks he's done a good job!!!!

    1. I'm trying Marissa, really I am. I'm really okay until I have time to start thinking about it, then I start letting my imagination run wild. But I keep reminding myself this is just an open show.

      When I was talking to RC last time she told me a story about how her mom went to an AQHA show and didn't know all the rules, and was DQ'd. It wasn't the DQ part that bothered her, but the way she was treated. That was one of the catalysts that got this club off the ground. She told me that she hates when people are rude to each other, and this club is all about getting together and having fun. So with that in mind, I'm going to go have fun.

  8. I am as bad as that or worse , spent most of the shows I attended trying not to hurl. Best I can say is the worst thing ever to happen to me was to have my horse and I introduces as Sherry Shitstorm (should be Sikstrom) and FU (should be FV ) Catch a Dream. one of those "SERIOUSLY???" moments and I did not hurl, just gave up and laughed

    1. Oh Dang! That is definitely one of those "What else can you do but laugh" situations.

  9. Good luck!! I totally understand the nerves. I would always get so nervous before a show that I would seriously get sick and I couldn't eat anything!! It was awful. But remember to breathe and take deep breaths! You can do it!! It isn't all about winning, it's all about going for the experience and having fun!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!

    1. Thank you. I have it all figured out now. ON one hand I will write out my pattern on the other I will write out "breathe- you are having fun- winning is irrelevent- don't fall off" LOL

  10. Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. My fear is all in my head, and truthfully I know that showing up is the biggest hurdle for me. After that it is what it is. No matter what happens I am still going to love my horse just the same, and I think he is going to surprise me.

    The skies are clear today so as soon as I get off work we will go practice some more.

  11. Ha I always think things like that before I show! And so far pretty much everything has happened, well except getting DQed but that pretty much impossible in cutting (unless there is abuse or leaving early) and I have even not showed up cause my horse had a big scratch down his side I thought would look awful to others even though it was not serious. You will do fine! Just go have fun (ya right, fun at a show with stress?? I know!) and enjoying being with your horse.
