Thursday, January 3, 2013

EC Day 15

If you could speak to any horse dead or alive, what would you say?

I think I have two for this one. 

First is "Jackie"

Jackie is the horse which belonged to my friend Sharon, but I usually rode him.  Jackie was lame.  I do not remember the name of what he had, but there was nothing that could be done for it, it was something in the bones in his front leg.  He wasn't always lame, but if he ran alot, he would limp home.  He ran alot. He always limped home.  I know there was nothing to be done, because his owners had enough money that if a surgery would have fixed him, he would have had it.  I also know now that we probably should have taken it easier on him.   If I could talk to jackie I would tell him I am sorry for letting him run till he limped.   I also just found out a few days ago about what happened to Jackie after I moved away.  Sharon started breeding and showing horses and of course they ended up with many horses.  They kept Jackie for years, but when she finally got out of horses and they all got sold to breeders,  there was one that wouldn't sell.  Poor old Jackie. Another breeder convinced Sharons dad that the best place to sell Jackie was at an auction. It makes me ill to think of where he probably ended up after that. I would also tell him I am sorry for that.   (yes I am crying right now)

The second horse I would speak to is Trax.

I would Trax that he is safe with me.  I would tell him that he can let down his fears and his worries of being hurt again.  I would tell him that I will keep him forever.

I try to tell him everyday.  I hope that he understands.

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