Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This morning I had a minute to take a couple of pictures before I got ready for work.
It was so nice outside, I would have much rather called in "well" and stayed home with the herd.

 Sassy was nice enough to pose for this lovely picture.  She has always had such a soft eye.

 "Hey Lady...where's our breakfast?"

"Quit messing around with that silly little machine in your hand and get us some food!"

I had another good look at Killian's poor dried up hooves. 
They are just awful, despite the treatments he gets.
The only thing I take comfort in is that if you click on the picture and look closely you can see where he has good healthy growth above all those dry icky cracks.  Its amazing what a good diet can do for a horse.

I am glad I have the farrier coming out tomorrow. 
I'm sure this cannot be comfortable for him.
Although they have chipped down so short I don't know that he will get much relief for a while.
I'm sure he will enjoy the break from being ridden.
He is so lazy!!

I had a stalker this morning......
I took this picture over my shoulder.
He thought I didn't know he was back there. 
Notice how non-chalante he is, pretending like he could care less that I am there.

Then I turned around...
"Aw crap she saw me!"

Here he is PROVING to me that he could care less if I exist!

"Nope Nope, not following you, just back here fighting flies.  I didn't even realize you were out here."

"But hey, since you are here.....
I don't suppose you have any thing to eat with
you, do ya????"

Well that's all for now my friends....until we meet again....ride west!

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